Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Nelson Mandela and Apartheid

Africans were suffering the wrath of apartheid. Apartheid is the seperation between blacks and whites. Like pulling them apart. Blacks would work trying to fix a roof or folding clothes and get little cash, while whites do the same thing but because of the color of there skin, they get paid alot. Africans had enough. Thus, made the African National Congress and the United Democratic Front. There Mission was to opposed Apartheid and give all africans free rights. But the whites ressponded by killing one of there leaders, Steve Biko.
Yet the ANC and the UDF didnt quit. they comtinued there protest even with help from other African groups and Indian groups. Some Leaders were Captured imprisioned, and Exiled. One of them was Nelson Mandela. Nelson Mandela was sent to prison for life. Protest went all around til finally in 1990, Nelson Mendela after 27 years was set free. 5 years later, he was awarded the nobel peace Prize. He also became the President of South Africa. These events is what helped defeat the evils of Apartheid

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Film Lesson:The Right Stuff

I just saw the movie the right stuff.In the movie,The USA went against Russia in the cold war. It started when a man tried to brake the sound barrier. But he failed and it cost him his life. Braking the sound barrier means flying a plane to supersonic speed and past the sound limit. An American finally beat the sound Barrier. The US didn't tell anyone Because word may come to the Russians. Russians are very competitive and feel that there better than everyone. Especially the Americans. They feel that the cold war was a perfect opportunity to prove it. 
The US tried to send a human to space but were afraid that they get hurt or killed so they tried to send a monkey. Meanwhile, US Tried to launch rocket after rocket after rocket. But they all exploded,Costing Lots of money. While the Russians launch the first human and the first Satellite, Known as the Sputnik.But the US Finlay Strikes back when They send Humans  into the Moon.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

NATO and the Warsaw Pact

What was the Warsaw Pact? The Warsaw pact was an Alliance of Central and Eastern Europe Conmunst states. There members were Russia,Poland Chehcoslovica,Hungary,Romania, and Eastern Germany. Only Those who were comunst were in.They entered the Cold War,A Conflict between America And Soviot Union(Russia).It wasnt really a war Like WWI/WWII, It was More Like...A Compotition to see who is the Better Country.The Warsaw Pact helped Russia While There Enemy/Counterpart, The NATO, Help The US.
The North Atlantic Treaty Orginaziation,or The NATO for short were Members of United States,Canada,Portugal, Italy Norway,Denmark and Iceland.There Mission were to Counter the Millitary power of thbe USSR and Beat the Comunest.They Had Many Compitition inluding the Arms Race. The Arms Race was to see who can make the most Nuclear Weaponds.People were scared that these weponds would go too far to Distroy the world. This Theroy wass called the MAD(Mutually Assured Distruction) If Russia Hit USA Then USA Hits Russia Back. They Kept Competing till the War ended withg a Treaty.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Film Lesson Schindler's List

I also watched the movie Schindler's list.In this Movie, Steve Spielberg, who is Jewish showed what happened in The Holocaust in detail about the Jews being captured. Some were put into Auschwitz But some, Jews,Men,Even women and children were taken to a German named Schindler who saved them. They all worked for him until the WWII was over.
The most powerful part to me was when I saw the Nazis invading the Ghetto.People were getting shot,Killed, Kids were taken away,Some people ate there own jewelry so the Germans Didn't Confiscated it,Some tried to run,Some tried to hide and they were shot if they got caught.
Another part was when the women who were supposed to be with Schindler, were brought to Auschwitz by mistake. Schindler came in just in time to get them right when they were getting their hair shaved.He even saved the kids by convincing other Nazis that they would clean his gun parts.
In the end The Germans lost the war and the Schindler let the Jews go. They went out after he also announce that Now that there free,He will now be a hunted man.

Film Lesson: Night and Fog

I watched the movie night and fog. The movie shows about what happened in Auschwitz. Auschwitz is a concentration camp where the Nazis Forced the Jews to worked. If the Jews were weak or sick or old,They will be killed. Only men can work. Women and Children under 18 were Killed.There is a few ways they were killed,1. They were Burned in Crematorium,2. They were shot,3. they were Put in to showers that let out poison gas.and 4.Electric Fence.
It was crazy because when the Poison gas was released,The actually scratched the ceiling desperately trying to escape.Some were put into ovens and the powerful and stunning part was when they taken dead,skinny bodies,piled them up and ether bury them or Burn them. Even Though Schindler's List Showed the movie more in detail,This movie also shows what an impact the Holocaust had.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Germany and the Treaty of Versailles

In the end of WWI, Germany lost the war and as a result, faced extreme consequences. In Paris France, the Treaty of Versailles was made. Germany was forced to do the following:1.Take full responsibility for the war and damages. 2.Pay for The damages to city's and casualties in Populations, 3.Surrender most of there colonies,Thus the creating Poland, 4.Limited military Air units,Tanks and Submarines,Prohibition of Poison Gas and Weapons,and Limited solders up to 100,000 Troops.Germany was outraged and felt that they were not the only one to blame. I Kinda agree with what there saying. They wernt the only ones who destroyed land and killed solders. The other countries has as much to blame as the Germans. Adolf Hitler, a German, also Outrage with the Treaty. So he went against the rules.Like,Invading Rhineland, and Czechoslovakia. The Germans Joined in to fight for there colonies and Dignity Back. But they crossed the line when they invaded Poland. When that happened, It marked the start of WWII.

Friday, February 13, 2009


When The Ottoman Empire fell apart,It became Turkey. There first President,Mustafa Kemal Also Known as Ataturk, Decided to make it More Modern and secular.Secular Means to be more Earthly(Or Worldly) and Less Spritualy.(Or Non Religous). As a result,European hats replace fez,women stop wearing veils,People took sernames and Islamic calender Turns into Western calenders. So now Turkey is an urban and social country. Ataturk was President for 15 Years until His death in 1938.He is today an important part of history in Turkey