Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Film Lesson:The Right Stuff

I just saw the movie the right stuff.In the movie,The USA went against Russia in the cold war. It started when a man tried to brake the sound barrier. But he failed and it cost him his life. Braking the sound barrier means flying a plane to supersonic speed and past the sound limit. An American finally beat the sound Barrier. The US didn't tell anyone Because word may come to the Russians. Russians are very competitive and feel that there better than everyone. Especially the Americans. They feel that the cold war was a perfect opportunity to prove it. 
The US tried to send a human to space but were afraid that they get hurt or killed so they tried to send a monkey. Meanwhile, US Tried to launch rocket after rocket after rocket. But they all exploded,Costing Lots of money. While the Russians launch the first human and the first Satellite, Known as the Sputnik.But the US Finlay Strikes back when They send Humans  into the Moon.

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