Thursday, March 26, 2009

Film Lesson Schindler's List

I also watched the movie Schindler's list.In this Movie, Steve Spielberg, who is Jewish showed what happened in The Holocaust in detail about the Jews being captured. Some were put into Auschwitz But some, Jews,Men,Even women and children were taken to a German named Schindler who saved them. They all worked for him until the WWII was over.
The most powerful part to me was when I saw the Nazis invading the Ghetto.People were getting shot,Killed, Kids were taken away,Some people ate there own jewelry so the Germans Didn't Confiscated it,Some tried to run,Some tried to hide and they were shot if they got caught.
Another part was when the women who were supposed to be with Schindler, were brought to Auschwitz by mistake. Schindler came in just in time to get them right when they were getting their hair shaved.He even saved the kids by convincing other Nazis that they would clean his gun parts.
In the end The Germans lost the war and the Schindler let the Jews go. They went out after he also announce that Now that there free,He will now be a hunted man.

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