Thursday, March 26, 2009

Film Lesson: Night and Fog

I watched the movie night and fog. The movie shows about what happened in Auschwitz. Auschwitz is a concentration camp where the Nazis Forced the Jews to worked. If the Jews were weak or sick or old,They will be killed. Only men can work. Women and Children under 18 were Killed.There is a few ways they were killed,1. They were Burned in Crematorium,2. They were shot,3. they were Put in to showers that let out poison gas.and 4.Electric Fence.
It was crazy because when the Poison gas was released,The actually scratched the ceiling desperately trying to escape.Some were put into ovens and the powerful and stunning part was when they taken dead,skinny bodies,piled them up and ether bury them or Burn them. Even Though Schindler's List Showed the movie more in detail,This movie also shows what an impact the Holocaust had.

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