Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Germany and the Treaty of Versailles

In the end of WWI, Germany lost the war and as a result, faced extreme consequences. In Paris France, the Treaty of Versailles was made. Germany was forced to do the following:1.Take full responsibility for the war and damages. 2.Pay for The damages to city's and casualties in Populations, 3.Surrender most of there colonies,Thus the creating Poland, 4.Limited military Air units,Tanks and Submarines,Prohibition of Poison Gas and Weapons,and Limited solders up to 100,000 Troops.Germany was outraged and felt that they were not the only one to blame. I Kinda agree with what there saying. They wernt the only ones who destroyed land and killed solders. The other countries has as much to blame as the Germans. Adolf Hitler, a German, also Outrage with the Treaty. So he went against the rules.Like,Invading Rhineland, and Czechoslovakia. The Germans Joined in to fight for there colonies and Dignity Back. But they crossed the line when they invaded Poland. When that happened, It marked the start of WWII.

Friday, February 13, 2009


When The Ottoman Empire fell apart,It became Turkey. There first President,Mustafa Kemal Also Known as Ataturk, Decided to make it More Modern and secular.Secular Means to be more Earthly(Or Worldly) and Less Spritualy.(Or Non Religous). As a result,European hats replace fez,women stop wearing veils,People took sernames and Islamic calender Turns into Western calenders. So now Turkey is an urban and social country. Ataturk was President for 15 Years until His death in 1938.He is today an important part of history in Turkey

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Film Lesson/Gandhi

I just saw parts of the movie Gandhi. A movie on a Lawyer Turning into a famous political leader. It started when He was on a train, The conductor commanded him to leave First class and go to the coach part of the train.Why? Because He was an Indian.However,Gandhi Refuse Because he had a first class's ticket and so he felt that as long as he has a ticket,He has all the right to stay even as an Indian. The Conductor disagree and threw him out.This political move was also performed by Rosa Parks. She was told by a white bus driver to get out her seat and go to the back because she was black. However Rosa refused and was arrested.
Gandhi Noticed The British were Beating on Indians for burning there Papers.Gandhi joined the Indians and got Beaten. So then Gandhi started a Protest. He Told all Indians they must not Protest Violently But With a Peaceful Protest. One day,The Indians Went to pray and British Did not approved. So they Proceeded By Shooting Them. Hundreds were killed,Thousands were wounded.

Gandhi Still Protested By Getting The People to burn British clothing they were forced to wear and make there own clothing. He encouraged them to by Indian goods,Not British Goods. They were also forced to Use British salt and not there own. So Gandhi led the Great Salt March and Led the people to Get there own salt. The British were Outraged and Arrested Gandhi. It wasn't the first time Gandhi was arrested for protest. He was Arrested in 1922 1930 and 1942.
But It Didn't matter to him.He Still kept protesting until finally,India Finally gained freedom. They were Divided in to India and Pakistani and were separated between Hindus and Muslims. But Gandhi was disappointed by that and felt they should come together. Gandhi was Assassinated in New Delhi in 1948. Today his Legacy of Civil Disobedience is still used by protesters.

Friday, February 6, 2009